Monday, May 3, 2010

intro to essay 2

Institutions can’t judge individuals, because it make of bureaucratic rules to govern itself, which create a disconnection with real life. Its regulations serve as life blood. Sometimes these internal rules are/ or can be bias toward certain group in our society. Who is making up the governing rules? These biases may not occur intentionally. That why it continued to happen to minority without notice. The only time most people are aware of the truth reality of where minority races especially black people where they come from and how much further they have to go before true equality can exist under this brilliant philosophical politic known as democracy

post 4

Income between races is closer than ever before. However net worth between the races have a greater gap between them. The reason for that is because wealth is inherited through historical transfer. When one look at history the net worth of white people and black people never the same. What that mean is white people as a race had a two to three hundred years head start. When white were accumulating wealth black did not earn nothing because they were exploited in slavery. One example that can show the transfer of wealth is for example the great great grandfather of an African American they both were around in the time of slavery, while the black grand dad was earning nothing as a slave the white man was at least earning more what that means is later the white man can transfer a known family net worth and the black man did not transfer nothing to his future family. Which later create the gap between net worth between races.